Overwhelm WILL Kill Your Business

There are 6 problems coming your way,
keep reading...

Overwhelm WILL Kill Your Business DON'T LET IT!

There are 6 problems coming your way, keep reading...

I’m going to guess that, like me, you’ve been programmed to believe that running a business is HARD. 

So when someone like me tells you that it’s actually a matter of following just a few simple steps you don’t believe it. 

But truly, to charge more for what you do ALL YOU NEED IS: 

  • Simple tiered offer in place
  • A business plan aligned to your spiritual values
  • A marketing strategy to keep the momentum going

(And a bit of personalised support and encouragement) 

Like everything in life, a business is a balancing act:

50% Entrepreneurial Spirit  

50% Spiritual Entrepreneurship

So in the spirit of giving...
I'll give you the first applicable insight of this 6 week program for free:

Whether you’re a small biz owner, a coach, consultant or any other type of service provider…

When you attract people to your business YOU WANT TO BE READY for potential clients.

This will help you separate the SERIOUS from the CURIOUS.

This page for example. It’s designed for both of us, you and me, to discover if you’re serious about starting to charge £2,000 instead of £200 for your services (for example).

I used to have only one product and charge only £47 for things that took me years to learn, but now that I’ve earned my stripes, and acknowledged the value of my time and work I’m at a place where I can confidently ask you:

Do you want to charge more for what you do?

If your answer is a 'HECK YES!' 

Then SAVE YOUR SPOT for my upcoming 

6-WEEK PROFIT ACCELERATOR - The Simplify for Success™ Collective

And get ready to ditch the overwhelm and launch or revamp your business with a

Simple Tiered Offer System, A Business Plan Aligned to Your Spiritual Values


A Marketing Strategy To Keep The Momentum Going

Even making booking Discovery Calls and 
selling your services will be EASIER and MORE ENJOYABLE.

One thing to consider though:
This program comes with SIX PROBLEMS, AND SIX SOLUTIONS:

One thing to consider though: 

This program comes with SIX PROBLEMS, AND SIX SOLUTIONS.

How do I become the go-to person for my ideal client?

You carve out a niche within your niche that's “JUST RIGHT”, unique but also profitable. You do this thinking like your client and actually speaking their language to address ONE PAIN POINT that speaks directly to the heart of their problems and desires.

How do I create an irresistible high-ticket offer?

The vault of high-ticket sales is not in the offer itself but in the bespoke UNIQUE SOLUTION and transformation it promises. This isn't just about how to slap a hefty price tag on something and call it a day. It’s about co-creating a solution so perfectly aligned with your aspirations that the price becomes a mere footnote to the value. 

How do I Effectively qualify my leads?

The READINESS TEST. You qualify your leads with Mid-Ticket Offers “meeting the unmet”. You’ll develop a mid-ticket service or product that not only meets but anticipate the needs of your clients, meeting them where they are at in terms of their mindset, financial and time resources.

How do I build lasting relationships with my clients?

You NURTURE and build a relevant relationship with the clients by turning your email list into a community, offering genuine value, engaging stories, and insights they won't find anywhere else. Making every email a "must-read."

How do I attract new clients consistently?

You create an ENTRY POINT. Attracting clients with compelling low-ticket offers is a fine art. Too low, and you devalue your service. Too high, and you're just the loud person at the party no one wants to talk to. These should provide immense value, making the decision to purchase a stepping stone to more significant investments with you.

How do you create desire for my offerings in a way that's authentic and not just a sleazy sales pitch?

You create a YEARNING -to work with you- by establishing yourself as an authority in your niche. You pick a platform where your voice can be heard and use your lead magnet and social media presence to tap into the aspirations and dreams of your audience with Desire-Driven Content.


Each problem is just a stepping stone to a solution that not only elevates your game but changes the lives of those you're here to serve.


Well, there's more!


  • Lifetime access to Simplify for Success™ Strategy (worth £97) 
  • Lifetime access to The Ultimate Web Design Course for Beginners (worth £97) 
  • Lifetime access to the How to Get Found On Google Masterclass (worth £17)
  • Lifetime access to my Branding Toolkit (worth £7) 
  • Exclusive guided meditations for each step to help you connect with your inner guidance (worth over £50) 

That’s a total value of over £250!

You just need to remember…

Solving problems can be fun when you don't have to do it alone!

"Debbie is simply an all round magic business fairy!"

Whether it's emotional support, website advice, social media help, goal setting, creating a strategy or just knowing where to start Debbie has a natural skill for taking big scary tasks and breaking them down in to clear, simple, manageable chunks. She is so lovely and supportive and will help in any way she can. 


"working with Debbie is incredible."

She is extremely knowledgeable on all things website design, social media management and digital sales and marketing strategies.

She goes beyond the call of duty to support the growth of your business and is fantastic right hand woman to have in your business.


"Debbie is such a wonderful person to work with."

I love her calmness and absolute honesty and transparency.

Thank you Debbie for being who you are and sharing your wisdom with us


I’m so proud and thankful for every client I get the chance to grow along with!

Maybe you’re next!

Don’t overthink it.


Overwhelm will kill your business.


For every problem, there's a solution...

And in this program I have SIX solutions for you!


You’ll be getting access to:

 6 Weekly Live Group Coaching Calls - With interactive coaching from me.


Course Content Access - So you can dive into the core course materials before each group call.

And, You’ll be able to submit your questions about these and other topics ahead of each call, and I'll provide additional value and insights.

All these in good company.

This Collective is a group coaching program designed to connect with fellow spiritual entrepreneurs, learn from each other, and grow your network in a supportive community who is here for the same reason as you, to SIMPLIFY FOR SUCCESS™.

More About Me

I'm Debbie, and I am the Spiritual Business Guide for spiritual business owners who are ready to achieve financial stability with the right balance between your spiritual practice and business success.

I am your guide through this journey, dedicated to helping you simplify your business for financial stability.


Book a call with me and we’ll talk about your business. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

This strategy is uniquely tailored for spiritual entrepreneurs. It focuses on aligning your spiritual values with your business goals, something not often addressed in conventional business strategies. We dive deep into creating a client journey that resonates with your spiritual ethos, ensuring that your business thrives without compromising your values.

Absolutely! This course is designed with the understanding that not everyone is a tech expert. We provide step-by-step guidance and easy-to-understand resources that will make the learning process smooth, even for beginners.

There will be six live weekly group calls on a Thursday at 7.00pm GMT. If you cannot make the live call, a replay will be available within 24 hours.

You will have lifetime access to the course content which is self-paced, allowing you to fit it into your schedule as you see fit. While it does require a time investment to reap the full benefits, the flexibility ensures that you can progress at your own pace without overwhelming your schedule.

In order to get the most out of this course, I do recommend that you dedicate time to it each week as the modules build on each other and you don't want to lose momentum

Yes, it is an investment in your business's future and your personal growth. The skills and strategies you'll learn are designed to increase your revenue, client retention, and overall business efficiency, offering a return on investment that extends well beyond the course fee.

You also get access to bonuses of over £250!

This collective is for any entrepreneur who wishes to integrate personal values and spirituality into their business. It's not about how 'spiritual' your business is, but about how you want to align your business practices with your personal beliefs and ethics. 

I strive to make this collective as impactful as possible, but understand it may not be for everyone. If after completing the program, you are struggling to see how the JOURNEY Method can be applied to your business, I will personally review all your work and offer you personalised advice and guidance by email.

To take up this offer, you must have attended the group calls (or watched the replays), completed the full course and submit all your notes on the provided workbooks, along with a statement as to why you feel it cannot be applied to your specific business. The review must be requested within 2 weeks of completing the full program. 

Definitely! Even if you have an established client base, this program can help you refine your ideal client, deepen your relationships with existing clients and attract new ones more aligned with your values. It's about enhancing and refining your strategies, not just starting from scratch.

No problem! I offer a 1:1 Spiritual Business Mastery Program - you can find all the details here.

If you're still reading, you might have doubts.

Don't let them hold you back!

Transform your business and stay ahead of the competition.

Watch this video and let's get started on your journey to a financially successful business that is aligned with spiritual values:

If you have any questions about the course, you can email me at enquiries@eyesondigitalmedia.com.