Done-WITH-You Web Design Service

You may have some tech skills, but can't quite get your website looking as professional as you'd like

Online Business Manager - OBM

You’ve designed your own website, or invested in one before that no longer serves your business needs.  

You don’t see any traffic to your website and even when people do land on it, they’re not converting to paying clients.

You like having creative control over your website, but need some help to design a website that reflects your business and brand.

If you are happy to continue managing your own online tech and admin, but need support in creating a website that converts, I offer a Done-with-You web design service to help you level up your brand and online presence. Designing your own website will allow you to:

  • Maintain creative control over your website
  • Have a brand and website that reflects your levelled up business
  • Convert web visitors to clients meaning increased income 
  • Create a more streamlined user experience

What is included in my Done-WITH-You web design service:

  • Ideal Client / Branding Consultation (1 x 60 minute call) 
  • Basic SEO research and advice (including free access to my SEO Digital Course worth £17) 
  • Access to The Ultimate Web Design Course for Beginners (worth £97) which includes page copy prompts for:  Home page, About me page, Service page, Landing/Sales pages, Contact Me page and Lead Magnet pages
  • 2 x 60 minute Consultation calls while you design your website (you can decide when you want these calls) 
  • Website review and feedback once you have completed your website design

My Done-with-You web design service is for you if you are starting out in business but want a professional looking website that:

  • Has copy that speaks to your ideal client and converts  
  • Gives visitors all the information they need, with easy navigation 
  • Ranks in search engines 

The investment for my Done-with-You web design service starts from £749

In order to ensure that we are a good fit for each other, I recommend an introduction call to discuss your needs and I can tell you more about how I can support you.  

(Payment plans are available)

Karen of Acts of Dove had invested in a web designer, but wasn’t happy with the end result.  She was also struggling to maintain her website which was created on Wordpress.  

She came to me as she didn’t feel that her website reflected the vision for her business and so I redesigned her website on SquareSpace to reflect her brand and within the first week she had her first website enquiry after being found through Google search!  She is now able to easily make any small changes to her website herself and loves her new design. 

Karen McGuire Web Design Client


I cannot rave about Debbie enough, she is the most helpful person that I’ve had work with my small business.  Debbie helped me set up, design and maintain my website.  She is so much more than just a web designer, she’s cheerleader  (she was so excited to work on this website and her enthusiasm was infectious, she really cared about my business).  She’s also a trouble shooter, I definitely messaged her far too much for help setting up my new email etc but she was nothing but patient and kind.

Nothing was a bother and I look forward to continuing to work with her!